- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
查看內容Snapask BAFS導師Jasmine針對BAFS近年嘅考核趨勢,拆開考評範圍嘅重中之重,仲涵蓋所有BAFS會計必修同選修嘅課題,幫同學仔分析出題方向,教你獨家取分技巧,DSE奪星冇難度! 教學內容包括: (1) 營商環境 Business Environment (2) 基礎管理 Basics of Management (3) 基礎個人理財 Basics of Personal Financial Management (4) 會計循環 Accounting Cycle (5) 控制系統 & 財務報表分析 Control System & Financial Analysis (6) 合夥 Partnership (7) 成本會計 Cost Accounting
- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480