- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
查看內容Snapask旅款導師Rachella針對旅款近年嘅考核重點同趨勢,同你重溫課程重點,幫同學仔分析出題方向,教你獨家取分技巧! 教學內容包括: (1) 旅遊導論 Introduction to Tourism (2) 旅遊業必備話題 Hot Topics in Tourism (3) 地理名勝 Destination Geography (4) 客務關係 Customer Relations and Services (5) 旅遊業趨勢 Trends and Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality industry
DSE 旅遊及款待科設卷一及卷二共兩卷,卷一設有選擇題及資料回應題,佔總分45%;卷二則設論述題,佔總分55%。根據以往資料顯示,只有5%以上考生能夠於旅遊及款待科奪得5級或以上,取得5**的考生更低至0.5%。旅遊及款待科除牽涉不同理論外,更考核考生不同程度的批判性思考。Rachella 在課程中會分析每個課題的分佈,不同課題會以甚麼題型及模式出現、其佔分比重,以及分享奪分技巧。
✦旅遊導論 |Introduction to Tourism
✦款待導論-住宿業 |Introduction to Hospitality
✦款待導論- 餐飲業|Introduction to Hospitality
✦地理名勝 |Destination Geography
✦客務關係|Customer Relations and Services
✦旅遊業趨勢|Trends and Issues in the Tourism and Hospitality industry
✦旅遊業必備話題|Hot Topics in Tourism
• 獨門溫書奪星方法,唔再死記硬背資料
• 配合大量課堂及課後練習,秒懂課題及奪分技巧
• 秒速辨清各類題型字眼,一睇即明問題重點
- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480