- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
查看內容Snapask ICT導師Willis教你唔同技巧,避開常犯錯誤,仲會提供大量練習俾你操練,等你可以輕鬆備戰! 教學內容包括: (1)試算表的公式 Formulae of Spreadsheet (2) 數據庫 Database (3) 基礎程式編寫概念 Basic Programming Concepts
Snapask ICT導師Willis 將會教你不同的考試奪星技巧,教你如何避開一些常犯的錯誤,避免再次失分;還會提供大量的練習讓你訓練,讓你可以輕鬆備戰,奪星而回。《ICT奪星實戰精讀班》的教學內容包括:試算表的公式 Formulae of Spreadsheet、數據庫 Database、基礎程式編寫概念 Basic Programming Concept。
在課程中,提供了課後練習,重溫所學的ICT概念和考試重點,鞏固所學的知識,提早適應公開考試的模式,為考取佳績做足準備。而且在筆記的相應位置,設有 Fun Fact 的角落,讓同學能學習課堂以外的實用知識。
✦試算表的公式(1)|Formulae of Spreadsheet (1)
✦試算表的公式(2)|Formulae of Spreadsheet (2)
✦假設分析與樞紐分析表|What-if Analysis and Pivot Table
✦數據庫(1)|Database (1)
✦數據庫(2)|Database (2)
✦基礎程式編寫概念(1)|Basic Programming Concepts (1)
✦基礎程式編寫概念(2)|Basic Programming Concepts (2)
✦基礎程式編寫概念(3)|Basic Programming Concepts (3)
•逐一拆解考核重點 教授星級技巧
•精選高階練習 緊貼考評內容
•詳盡分析三大重點課題 充分備戰
- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480