- 釐清課題概念,掌握題目問法。 - 支持官網及全平台APP播放,包括電腦、手機、平板。 - 月費方案,連續6個月每月續約付款
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
查看內容Snapask英文科導師Nicola Lok,於DSE考獲英文全卷5**,畢業於中文大學。被稱為英文全才的她,讀、寫、聽、說四大試卷均能輕鬆駕馭。她擅於將流行英語文化融入教學,讓學生靈活運用英語,課堂按試卷分類仔細詳解,包含不同文法精華及答題攻略。Nicola於Snapask YouTube Channel的英文教學影片更已衝破十萬點擊次數,人氣蜚然。今次Nicola會以兩堂時間為你拆解DSE英文必修Gramma主題:Prepositions 及 Passive Voice,先教後實戰,確保學生充分了解課堂內容之餘,亦能靈活應用在答題上。
英文文法對所有DSE英文分卷來說都是重要的一環,不少同學英文Grammar底子不佳,在作答閱讀理解題目、寫作卷,以及聆聽綜合卷時都因語法問題而失分,甚至只獲得Lv 2-3的成績,而Prepositions 及 Passive Voice 更是常用文法之一。在課堂上,Nicola會利用簡單易明的手法集中教授Prepositions及Passive Voice的基礎及進階運用、拆解學生常犯錯誤,並配合大量練習,速效提昇同學英文語文能力。
Function 作用:
To show specific details
Functions 作用:
To show possession (擁有), belonging, or origin (來源)
To show amount, number, or a particular unit
To show what is inside
Underline the mistakes and make corrections in each line.
1. People complain that some of the typical destinations are too crowded, with crowds people camping.
2. Get yourself acquainted with the boy band with the list of 10 things you have got to know of Mirror.
3. We need to become inventive for how to avoid the crowds in country parks.
4. You can add that to the list for achievements.
5. Martin Williams is a hiking enthusiast who has written Hong Kong’s countryside for decades.
✦ 教授DSE英文必修Grammar:Prepositions 及 Passive Voice
✦ 改善語法毛病,提升寫作能力
✦ 附大量練習題,循序漸進地學習
- 釐清課題概念,掌握題目問法。 - 支持官網及全平台APP播放,包括電腦、手機、平板。 - 月費方案,連續6個月每月續約付款
查看內容- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480