針對「人文設計」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!
查看內容針對「醫學電資」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!
查看內容針對「財經商管」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!
∙ 掌握文章主旨:常見題目包含 What is the main idea、What may be the best title
∙ 擷取重要資訊:常見題目包含 Which of the following is true/false 或是針對特地對象(人事物)詢問細節
∙ 歸納文章結構:常見題目包含 How is the article organized
∙ 理解前後文意:常見題目包含 What may the phrase/vocabulary "xxx" mean
∙ 文字圖像化能力:常見題目包含 Which picture best describes the item/animal/... mentioned in the article
∙ 先看題目再看文章:先確定自己知道題目要問什麼之後,便可以在閱讀文章的同時,將重點圈出來
∙ 細心讀完整篇文章:不論文章多長,都一定要有耐心且細心地讀完。有時候文章可能會在某個段落中出現轉折處,因此要確保自己了解整篇文章在講什麼才可作答
✦ 重點一:介紹學測英文閱讀測驗解題步驟與考試準備方式
✦ 重點二:獨家歷屆試題改寫,練習如何快速答題
✦ 重點三:中英文詳細對照,帶入英文例句、單字練習
✦ 重點四:閱讀測驗題帶入重點文法閱讀複習
✦ 重點五:閱讀測驗混合題解題技巧
【閱讀測驗例題一文章】(改編自 109 學測試題)
Ships are the lifeline of trade among countries. Almost everything, from food to machinery, comes by way of the sea in huge ships piloted by captains. The captain of a ship is responsible for guiding the vessel until they hit a port, waiting to enter the harbor. The captain is responsible for following proper safety procedures and keeping track of all goods and people on their vessels. He must know how to run and fix every mechanical and electrical device onboard. Therefore, the captain must have firm knowledge of marine craft communication and navigation systems.
There is another vital person on ships, too. He is a marine pilot. The task of bringing the ship into the harbor and anchoring it is taken up by a marine pilot. A marine pilot is a boat pilot with specialized knowledge of a particular port or harbor. The pilot is needed to direct large ships into a port, where there are often deep water channels surrounded by shallower seabeds. Without the services of a marine pilot, docking ships would be hazardous. There would be a real chance of running aground and damaging the ship and the cargo, some of which might be dangerous if released into a water-based ecosystem.
In addition to the shallower seabeds, tide and wind pose further challenges for bringing ships into a port. During different tides, currents may change from one direction to the other. The same strategy for docking a vessel during an incoming tide may not work during an outgoing tide. Also, the wind can significantly alter the direction of the ship and how it reacts, adding to the difficulty of anchoring the ship.
Marine pilotage is a job that requires a high degree of proficiency as well as quick and independent thinking. Above all, it is about risk management. A marine pilot goes on board at a crucial time and controls the vessel based on his or her knowledge of the port and the situation at hand. The pilot is responsible for not only the safety of the ship but also the protection of the port and the marine environment.
1. What is the passage mainly about?
(A) The special occupations.
(B) Shipping and trading.
(C) Guidelines for safe docking.
(D) Protection of the marine environment.
1. (A)
● 英文學測滿分輕鬆GET
∙ 重複學習:把自己曾經錯過的題目搞懂,把題幹的文法概念搞懂
∙ 重質不重量:單字、片語部分可挑歷屆考題重要的單字片語複習,加深印象
∙ 保持聽感:聽力的部分可以聽最近時事的新聞
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針對「人文設計」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!
查看內容針對「醫學電資」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!
查看內容針對「財經商管」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!