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∙ 考轉折語氣:考驗考生是否能看出上下文意有所轉折
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除了以上解題重點,線上課程裡 Vonna 老師將詳解更多學測篇章結構例題+歷屆試題解析,讓同學在短時間內快速理解,並且熟悉考試準備技巧,另外也要提醒同學,在學測英文倒數衝刺階段,結合日常對話練習以及主題寫作等方式,運用每日零碎的時間複習單字,可以高效率強化英文專業能力,更輕鬆應戰學測英文,拿下高中英文學測滿級分!
✦ 重點一:113 學測篇章結構考題趨勢重點
✦ 重點二:113 學測篇章結構考題準備技巧
✦ 重點三:學測英文短文篇章結構歷屆試題練習+詳解
【例題一】(改編自 109 指考試題)
Gladiators were combatants who fought against criminals, wild animals, and each other during the time of the Roman Empire. They were armed with deadly weapons and in most cases fought till either one of them accepted defeat or was killed.__1__Roman people enjoyed the sight of blood and violent death. They crowded into the arenas to watch gladiator games, just like we watch football, baseball, and tennis matches today.
__2__Some were slaves bought from different lands under Roman control, and some were prisoners of war. Most of the others were volunteers, a group which once accounted for half of all gladiators. The majority of the gladiators were Thracians, Gauls, and Africans. These combatants were generally skilled fighters and were paid for their services. __3__All of the fighters, both male and female, were well looked after by their owners and rewarded after winning fights.
Roman historians sometimes called gladiators hordearii, a Latin term which means “barley eaters” in English. Recent research findings suggest that this name was likely literal. Chemical analyses of the bones found in a gladiator graveyard indicated that the typical food eaten by gladiators was wheat, barley, and beans. __4__In addition to a plant-heavy diet, gladiators drank plant ashes to fortify the body after physical exertion and to promote better bone healing. The diet that gladiators followed may be unconventional by modern athletic standards, but in the days of the Romans, this was the diet of heroes.
(A) Gladiators were recruited from different sources.
(B) Also, there was little sign of meat or dairy products in the diet of almost all of these professional fighters.
(C) Gladiators fought for the entertainment of Rome’s rich and mighty, as well as for the public.
(D) There is evidence to suggest that females also participated in gladiator contests.
1. (C)
2. (A)
3. (D)
4. (B)
● 英文學測滿分輕鬆GET
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針對「人文設計」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!
查看內容針對「醫學電資」科系類別同學,教授各科學測必考重點單元、題型總整理,高效率掌握考試關鍵原則,涵蓋進階素養題型練習! 購買後立即上課,課程堂堂扎實,只要7天就能幫你順利拿下學測高分!
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