- 釐清課題概念,掌握題目問法。 - 支持官網及全平台APP播放,包括電腦、手機、平板。 - 月費方案,連續6個月每月續約付款
자세히 보기- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
자세히 보기Snapask英文科導師Nicola Lok,於DSE考獲英文全卷5**,畢業於中文大學。被稱為英文全才的她,讀、寫、聽、說四大試卷均能輕鬆駕馭。她擅於將流行英語文化融入教學,讓學生靈活運用英語,課堂按試卷分類仔細詳解,包含不同文法精華及答題攻略。Nicola於Snapask YouTube Channel的英文教學影片更已衝破十萬點擊次數,人氣蜚然。今次Nicola會以四堂時間為你拆解DSE英文卷三聆聽綜合卷答題技巧,先教後實戰,確保學生充分了解課堂內容之餘,亦能靈活應用在答題上。
DSE英文卷三可說是英文科最難的分卷,皆因普遍考生都認為作答時間不足、錄音速度快、Data File資料混亂,往往沒法完成所有Tasks便要停筆。同學在操練卷三聆聽卷時除了訓練速記能力(note-taking)、對錄音重點的敏感度、分辨文體技巧外,時間管理是不容忽視的一環。在課堂上,導師Nicola會教你從Data File中輕鬆找出Content Point,學習快捷及準確地改變句式,令文章不再單一,全取Language分!課程更會集中訓練學生拆解B2題目、迅速分辨文體及時間分配的技巧,奪取Lv 4或以上的佳績。
✦To decide how much time to allocate to each task, we need to look at the mark allocation in each task.
✦In recent years, the number of marks in each task is more evenly distributed (i.e. Tasks 8 and 9: 18 marks, Task 10: 17 marks).
✦It means we need to allocate our time evenly among the three tasks.
✦Generally speaking, we spend around 20 minutes on an 18-mark task.
We read the Data File in the following order:
Situation → QA Book → Task Email → Sources & Notes → Writing
1. Situation
- Name
- Company
- Activity
- Boss
2. QA Book
- Text type
- Target reader
- Sources
3. Task Email
- Text type
- Target reader
- Sources
- Main ideas
- 釐清課題概念,掌握題目問法。 - 支持官網及全平台APP播放,包括電腦、手機、平板。 - 月費方案,連續6個月每月續約付款
자세히 보기- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
자세히 보기