- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
자세히 보기- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
자세히 보기Snapask導師Daniel Chan於2016年DSE親奪物理 5** ,曾為大型補習學校出卷及改卷四年,兩年內操練過萬考題,不單止經驗豐富,亦十分了解學生的常犯錯誤;今次Daniel將利用6堂時間教你理解DSE物理Physics公式用法及限制,如何融匯貫通地正確使用物理概念解釋現象,面對跨課題目亦能迎刃而解!
DSE物理科成績仍處於下游的你,有否覺得自己明明背了很多公式,但考試時仍然無法準確理解題目並計出答案?公式就如工具箱的工具般,要取得成功,除了要齊工具外,更重要的是懂得如何運用它們,甚至是不同工具間如何互相配合使用。在DSE 物理谷底反彈班的六堂時間,導師Daniel將透過六大DSE Physics課題和你釐清物理科必學的公式用法及其限制,教授如何看穿概念之間的關連,並提供大量DSE 實戰題目,務求學生可在最短時間內從谷底反彈。
今堂課題「熱與氣體」(Heat and Gases)是DSE物理科的第一課。熱(Heat)的部分相對容易,學生可透過不同實驗建構相關物理概念,但氣體 (Gases)則會較抽象,學生也容易被眾多physical quantities物理量難到。Daniel會於今堂向你一一分辨不同物理量的意思和它們之間的關連。
✦It is not an energy that can be stored in an object.
✦Heat is an energy transfer process between objects because of their temperature difference.
✦Density 密度 = m/V
= Mass 質量 (kg) / Volume 體積 (m3)
✦Pressure can be measured by Bourdon gauge.
✦ 教授審題技巧認清考題重點,算術或文字題亦能拎足分數
✦ 兩大重點:理解公式用法及限制、正確使用物理概念解釋現象;確保同學有能力應付跨課題題目
✦ 課程涵蓋卷一的五個必修課題及卷二選修部分的 Energy & Use of Energy 能量和能源的使用
✦ 深入剖析普遍考生通病,讓同學在錯誤中學習
- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $4680
자세히 보기- Clarify concepts and master question types - Support website and all App platforms - Kick start immediately with Monthly Subscription Purchase for 6 months, total price at $6480
자세히 보기